
Students enrolled in English 101 classes this fall (2010) will be the first participants in Western Carolina University’s Education Briefcase (eBriefcase). The eBriefcase is one of the key tools that will support the university’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Synthesis: a Pathway to Intentional Learning.

The eBriefcase is designed to foster student learning and involvement by housing electronic artifacts in a portfolio format organized to reflect the QEP learning outcomes.  The eBriefcase is built within the university’s new learning management system, Blackboard 9.1. Students will be able to share this electronic portfolio with fellow students, instructors, advisers, and ultimately with employers and graduate schools.  Students can continue to develop their eBriefcase even after graduation.

Participating students will be introduced to the eBriefcase through class visits by Class TIPS staff during the first two weeks of the semester. They will receive training through tutorials and face-to-face workshops and additional one-on-one assistance.

Faculty and staff can sign up to see a live demo of the eBriefcase at  http://www.wcu.edu/7065.asp.

The timeline for implementation of the eBriefcase is as follows:

Fall 2010-Spring 2011: Pilot eBriefcase with First Year Composition students and provide information and training to the broader campus community.

Summer 2011: Evaluate pilot and modify system as needed.

(Due to the nature of the briefcase being a compilation of artifacts over time, it will take a minimum of one year to see progress and student involvement. True success will be measured as pilot students reach graduation.)

Fall 2011: Select additional academic and co-curricular programs for expansion of eBriefcase implementation.

More information about the Education Briefcase can be found by visiting http://ebriefcase.wcu.edu or by e-mailing eBriefcase@wcu.edu.