By Dirk Herr-Hoyman, Director of Web Services
A new web analytics service that will provide usage information for websites on will be rolled out this summer. With this new service, producers of university websites will be able to see where their visitors come from and how they interact with their site. Web Producer Melissa Young is currently piloting this service with a few campus partners and everyone has been pleased with the results.
The analytics service will be made available to all campus offices and departments with a site on in May and June. The tracking will be set up on the office or department’s initial page and a designee from that unit will receive an email each month with a basic analytics report. Instructions on how to add the tracking to more of the site also will be sent to this designee by email when the setup is completed.
Built using Google Analytics, the web analytics service will be able to provide both a basic report and a large range of analytic tools for those with more sophisticated needs.
For more details, contact Melissa Young of Web Services at 828-227-2445 or
Below: A snapshot report for traffic on the WCU website April 6-12, 2009.