by Dawn Brown | Jun 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
Most project managers understand the importance of documenting “lessons learned” on current and future projects. Capturing and regularly updating the lessons learned can keep the project on track. In the long run, it can also help continually improve how the Division...
by Dawn Brown | Mar 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
The Division of IT has redesigned our project intake process. Representatives from all areas of IT recently collaborated to review the previous intake activities, and a new customized intake process was vetted and approved by the ITLC for final adoption. ...
by Dawn Brown | Aug 25, 2022 | IT News
On August 31, Personal Services (Banner 8) in myWCU will be updated to Banner 9. This update provides an enhanced user experience for easier use and navigation. Although an overall outage is not required, some existing Banner URLs in myWCU will be unavailable for up...
by Dawn Brown | Aug 4, 2022 | IT News
WCU provides DNS (Domain Name System) hosting services for the university as well as for qualifying related organizations. The DNS translates computer names to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. This naming structure makes it easier to access resources on the internet...
by Dawn Brown | Jul 22, 2022 | IT News
The Curative Analysis team in IT is tasked with finding the causes of significant IT issues that affect campus. In this news update, we draw your attention to some of the problems being investigated or issues handled recently. WCU-Guest Access: On June 13, users...