During the past several months we, the IT division, have been discussing our strategy and objectives for the next 18 months. As a result, we have selected seven objective categories and are developing specific objectives and goals in each category as well as overall IT metrics. The seven categories are as follows:
- Enhance appropriate use of technology for teaching and learning.
- Improve student, faculty and staff satisfaction with IT.
- Execute key projects.
- Establish foundation for future technology (R&D).
- Improve staff satisfaction, professional development and retention.
- Improve campus operations.
- Improve IT operations.
The Three P’s: Proactive, Process, Prevention
An outcome of the strategy and objectives discussions has been the adoption of our IT theme: Proactive, Process, Prevention. We have begun referring to it as the “three P’s.” These three words say a lot about how we would like our IT division to approach, and live, its service to the university.
Proactive. This is probably best summarized as taking initiative and ownership. Using data, tracking trends, developing relationships with campus constituencies, championing new ideas and owning resolution of issues are examples of key traits.
Process. Appropriate, defined processes establish consistency in the actions to be performed, expectations and measurement. Developing and enhancing our IT processes will improve our performance. As an example, IT has recently launched a team to address our incident process, from the reporting of a problem to its resolution. We are also developing a conceptual process for IT governance and prioritization which would establish committees focused on academic and administrative IT along with an overall Information Technology Council and are beginning the process of soliciting concept inputs.
Prevention. Taking care of potential issues before they occur or reducing the frequency of occurrence. As an example, IT has just launched a “root cause” team to put in place a monthly process to review the top IT incident occurrences by frequency or criticality, determine the root cause and implement and monitor actions needed to prevent or reduce these incidents from occurring.
In alignment with the three P’s, there are several items that are either under way or have been completed that may be of interest to you:
- Refresh of 217 PCs and Macs.
- Refresh and increase in storage of our digital media capability.
- Automation of student wireless network registration.
- Use of Google Docs forms to enable quick and easy electronic capture of simple forms.
- Addition of Apple Remote Desktop to enable distribution of software and updates to Macs without requiring the current method of a desk-side visit by IT.
- External assessment of our virtual server environment to increase stability and reduce downtime.
- Upcoming implementation of a network virus or malware filter to assist in preventing desktop infections.
- Upcoming implementation of an automated e-mail ID/Active Directory password reset capability for faculty and staff.
I hope you enjoy this edition of DoIT News. As always, we appreciate your feedback.
Craig A. Fowler, CIO