Your network storage is rising!  The Division of IT is excited to announce that all faculty and staff storage space on the Mercury (H:) drive was increased over the holiday break to provide you with 40GB of network storage.  Departmental folders were also increased to 150GB.

We strongly encourage you to use your (H:) drive for all your WCU-related documents.  Not only does the (H:) drive provide nightly backup and secure storage for any sensitive data, it gives you peace of mind knowing that your files are protected, easily retrieved, and easily restored.

If you have any questions about using your (H:) drive, or if you’d like any additional information, just contact the IT Help Desk:

Call: 227-7487 or 866-928-7487 (toll free)
Log in: Online Help Desk/IT Self-Service
Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Closed weekends and university holidays