The Curative Analysis team in IT is tasked with finding the causes of significant IT issues that affect campus. In this news update, we draw your attention to some of the problems being investigated or issues handled recently.
Equitrac and Windows 10: A recent update to Windows 10 from Microsoft is not compatible with out current version of Equitrac, resulting in printing issues for some WCU faculty and staff. Some faculty and staff are receiving an error stating that they have no available funds to print while others are not being prompted to accept billing charges. As a workaround, IT technicians are manually updating the Equitrac application for affected computers. An automated update to all WCU-owned Windows 10 computers is scheduled for September to correct the issue.
Outlook Address Book: We recently began receiving reports that new employees were not appearing properly in the WCU address list in Outlook. Further investigation revealed that new employees were not being assigned to the address book properly. A correction has been made to correctly apply the address book policy to all new accounts. IT staff are working to update the WCU address list with the new employee information.
Blackboard Course Copy: During the first summer session, a Blackboard update caused IT Help Desk staff to be unable to perform course copy requests in Blackboard. As a workaround, course copy requests were temporarily redirected to the LMS team. The Blackboard Learn Q4 2016 service pack with Cumulative Update 4 was installed on Saturday, July 22, 2017; however, it did not resolve the issue. IT Help Desk and CFC personnel are continuing to work with Blackboard to resolve the issue.
September 2017
Problem Tickets: (Total 7)
Blackboard: 1
Outlook Address Book: 1
Network Connectivity for Biltmore Park: 1
SPSS Commuter License: 1
PAW Print: 1
Digital Signage: 1
Banner Report Portal: 1
The Division of IT is committed to adopting a proactive, process-oriented approach to prevent problems before they arise. We will continue to keep you informed on our progress.