We provide data storage and backup services to meet departmental data storage needs. This service includes user rights management and remote access. This service is sometimes referred to as Saturn or the H Drive.
Both Windows and Mac computers with an Ethernet connection at login automatically map to Saturn. On Windows machines, it shows up under Network Locations when you double click the Computer icon on the desktop or select Computer in the second column of choices when click on the (circular) start menu.
Most faculty and staff have a personal folder setup on Saturn automatically. The folder is named the same as their AD (Active Directory) email username. These folders are only visible to the client and they should have read, write, modify, and delete privileges to the folder.
NOTE: Sometimes these folders are not generated so a request may need to be made to create them. Also, please note that users CAN delete their own folders!
By default, individual users are granted 40 gigabytes of space on Saturn and will get warning emails as they approach that amount of space. Departmental folders receive 150 gigabytes of space to work with.
Requests can be made to increase these allocations but there is no guarantee these requests will be granted. Traditionally departmental folders are increased in increments of 5 gigabytes.
When clients create folders within their departmental folders, everyone in the department by default has Read, Write, Modify, and Delete privileges to what is created. If client need folders created with limited access, or new folders outside of their departmental folders, a request to system will be needed- don’t forget to ask which users need Read, Write, Modify, and Delete access for creating the folder and the specific path to its location.
If files are accidentally deleted from Saturn, we can often recover them from the nightly backups to the server.
We strongly encourage you to use your (H:) drive for all your WCU-related documents. Not only does the (H:) drive provide nightly backup and secure storage for any sensitive data, it gives you peace of mind knowing that your files are protected, easily retrieved, and easily restored.
On-Campus or remotely by using VCAT (virtual desktop) or through the Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Faculty and Staff
Service Availability
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for scheduled maintenance.
IT’s Role
IT maintains the servers, user rights management, and backup recovery.

Contact the IT Help Desk
Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Closed weekends and university holidays
Call: 227-7487 or 866-928-7487 (toll free)
E-mail: ithelp@wcu.edu
Log in: Online Help Desk/IT Self-Service http://help.wcu.edu/
Visit the Technology Commons
On the ground floor of Hunter Library For walk-up technology assistance for faculty, staff and students
Charge for this Service
No charge for current levels of space.
We may need to charge for extra allotments of space, depending upon the size of the request.