The CATalytics team has released a new Advisee Load dashboard into production, in partnership with the Registrar’s Office and the Advising Center. The purpose of the dashboard is twofold.  First, the dashboard can be used to help Academic Departments and Professional Advising Departments spread advising load appropriately across their department, by seeing the current advising load of all members, as well as the department averages.  Second, the dashboard can help departments identify students who need an advisor assigned, either because they are missing a faculty advisor associated with an academic major or because of other student criteria (e.g., Honors students missing an Honors advisor).

The dashboard is currently available to members of the Provost Council, Associate Deans, Department Heads, and Department Admins.  Other members of the campus community can request access to this or any dashboard through the Dashboard Explorer located in the CATalytics Portal.  To get to the dashboard (or request access), click the CATalyticslink in myWCU under My Apps, then click View and Explore All Dashboards, which will take you to the Dashboard Explorer.

The Advisee Load dashboard can be found by clicking Topic=Advising.

Here is a video walkthrough of the dashboard, so you can see how it works and what is offered.

If you need any help with CATalytics, or would like training to get you started in this data environment, please contact