by Dawn Brown | Apr 18, 2011 | IT News
By Anna T. McFadden, Director of Academic Engagement and IT Governance Above: Tom Salzman, director of the WCU School of Stage and Screen, chairs the Academic Technology Advisory Committee that ranked the WeBWork Math project number one in priority out of seven...
by Dawn Brown | Apr 18, 2011 | IT News
By Susan Jones, Learning Management System Manager, Coulter Faculty Commons As faculty and students look forward to the 2011 commencement ceremonies on May 6 and 7, another important milestone is fast approaching. On May 15, the WebCat Learning Management System (LMS)...
by Dawn Brown | Apr 18, 2011 | IT News
By Shandon Bates, Director of Systems and Operations In the fall of 2010 the IT division responded to the Chancellor’s request to put together a prioritized list of items that were needed to continue or improve operations. These items included updating the server...
by Dawn Brown | Apr 18, 2011 | Archive
Welcome. The months since our fall 2010 newsletter have been busy. IT has been working hard on the following projects and activities: Implementation of the IT governance and prioritization process with the establishment of three committees and the IT Council. Creation...
by Dawn Brown | Apr 18, 2011 | IT News
By Anna T. McFadden, Director of Academic Engagement and IT Governance The Information Technology Council (ITC) and the Council of Deans recently gave approval to IT to roll out new versions of Microsoft Office. Currently, classroom and labs are running Office 2007...