IT Service of the Month: Application Authentication Services
Modern authentication service (the university’s standard authentication service) is available for most web and cloud-based applications. The service provides a common, secure, central login service for both local and cloud-based application authentication as well as...
Curative Analysis: ‘Own IT’ Update for April 2022
The Curative Analysis team in IT is tasked with finding the causes of significant IT issues that affect campus. In this news update, we draw your attention to some of the problems being investigated or issues handled recently. GlobalProtect for Mac: On April 4,...
IT Service of the Month: Softphone
Service Description A softphone is a piece of software that allows users to make telephone calls over the internet via a computer or smartphone. You may request changes to a softphone, such as adding or removing a license to use a desktop application or smartphone...
Do Not Accept MFA Requests That You Did Not Initiate
In addition to our recent article about the need for increased vigilance from everyone regarding cybersecurity (Geopolitical Tensions and Cybersecurity), the IT Division wants to draw your attention to the specific risk of accepting MFA requests that you did not...
Curative Analysis: ‘Own IT’ Update for March 2022
The Curative Analysis team in IT is tasked with finding the causes of significant IT issues that affect campus. In this news update, we draw your attention to some of the problems being investigated or issues handled recently. Alertus Desktop: On February 21, the...
WCU Division of Information Technology Software Acquisition Process
Under University Policy 62, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) is the primary authority responsible for approving software and related service acquisitions. Our Software Acquisition process reduces risk (both legal and technical) to the University and purchasers...
IT Service of the Month: ITV Teleconferencing and Video Conferencing
Service Description We provide standard video conferencing for virtual business meetings, and interactive video classes allowing place-bound students to attend WCU classes in a video environment. Instructional Television is two-way audio and/or video conferencing....
Geopolitical Tensions and Cybersecurity
As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine escalates, our government anticipates an increase in cyberattacks against U.S. institutions. Below is some useful information from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s Shields Up website...
Curative Analysis: ‘Own IT’ Update for February 2022
The Curative Analysis team in IT is tasked with finding the causes of significant IT issues that affect campus. In this news update, we draw your attention to some of the problems being investigated or issues handled recently. Wired Network in Reid: During a...
IT Service of the Month: Email Quarantine
Have you had legitimate email quarantined as SPAM? If your answer is yes, we have the information you need to retrieve messages in a timely manner and to help prevent future messages from that sender being caught in our SPAM filters. There are two options for...